Study includes complete current state analysis of all
transport modes in the area (road, rail, air, inland waterways); development of
the four step traffic model and calibration with the transport data gathered by
field research (cross section countings, intersection countings, cordons
survey, household surveys); development of the goals and measures and
implementation through transport development scenarios for a ten year period; evaluation of scenario effects and their validation; development phases of a
pilot line based on the integrated public transport concept (railway, bus, car
sharing, transport on demand etc.).
of actual services provided:
described methodology for the development of the Study;
aligned creating of the project with the management structures;
established communication structure for the purpose of the project;
methodology for the development of the Study;
identified all relevant stakeholders;
established links of the Study in relevant strategies and plans on the higher
and the same level of the European Union and of the Republic of Croatia;
established legal framework essential for the development of the transport in view of
the Croatian legislation and the European Union;
established hypotheses for the development of the Study;
collected all data relevant for traffic analysis and
traffic models;
developed database and project delivery;
established a four-step transport model;
analysis of the existing situation;
determined the final list
of objectives and measures needed to achieve the stated objectives;
scenarios of transport development;
plan for the implementation of the Study;
standards of
public transport supply;
determined locations: places of integration of passenger
transport, P&R parking lots, intermodal terminals for cargo transport;
established infrastructure interventions necessary for traffic development of
Karlovac County;
cost estimates for the implementation of the measures and
the manner of their financing;
detailed plan for the introduction of
an integrated passenger transport (IPP) in one pilot area.